Computers and Internet
The legal issues that arise in computer and Internet law dominate a variety of areas of law
The computer revolution, followed by the Internet revolution and social networks, gave rise to innovative legal questions that are evolving and changing regularly in the legal world.
The natural difficulty of catching up with the dizzying pace of technological development is challenging and continues to complicate the legal world, which is accustomed to relatively conservative and slow progress.
This phenomenon was described by the Hon. Supreme Court Justice, the late Michael Heshin:
“With the legal tools hanging on the wall of our workshop – arranged in rows, side by side – it is sometimes difficult to locate in them a tool suitable for the new technological age. This challenge will continue to increase over time.”
Our firm takes an active and daily part in the operation of websites that belong to and are operated by the firm’s clients, which is a natural factor in its legal specialization in this field of law. Adv. Altshuler previously served as the editor of the banking and corporations sector on the Israeli law website www.psakdin.co.il, and was in fact a member of the founding team of the site, gaining extensive experience in this field.
The legal issues that arise in computer and Internet law dominate a variety of areas of law, including: contract law, intellectual property, privacy protection, communication, defamation, labor and more.
Over the years, our firm has gained extensive experience in the field of computers and the Internet and social media, both under the guidance of many Internet companies, and by being the developer and editor of the Israeli law website – Psakdin for several years.
In this context, the firm operates on all relevant legal issues, including: communications, copyright, privacy protection, defamation, digital contracts, investment agreements and more.
Commercial Litigation
Crisis Management
The Diamond Industry
International Trusts, Management and Planning
Corporate Law
Intellectual Property and Franchising
Banking and Finance
Real Estate Transactions
Inheritance Law, Wills, and Temporary / Permanent Incapacity
Labor Law – Employers and Employees
Computers and Internet

Altshuler is the first, only and exclusive firm in Israel to have membership in the LEI Organization (Law Europe International), by which it enables the provision of an international business and commercial legal envelope to all the firm’s clients.
We are happy to be at your service in all our areas of expertise, professionally and personally
40 Tuval St., Sapir Tower (20th floor), Ramat Gan 5252247